Horror, Humor, and Heroes Anthologies and Collections
Links to Volumes Two through Four
Volume Two New Faces of Fantasy
The Horror, Humor, and Heroes books are either short story collections or anthologies. In Volume 1 is a collection of twelve short stories, one novella from Jim Bernheimer.
Sample some of Jim's finest offerings, such as - a guardian wolf fearing the coming of man, a producer willing to do anything to bring the first pay per view live werewolf hunt to the world, a zombie running for congress, a vampire trying to get his life insurance company to pay up, a six year old girl, who makes a cookie people will do anything for, the story of the first child born on the Moon, or a draftee in a war against science gone awry. This collection includes the novella, Confessions of a D-List Supervillain that spawned the series!
Volume 2 is an anthology that focuses on both Epic and Urban fantasy. It includes a short story by Joe Ducie.
Volume 3 is science fiction anthology featuring both "hard" sci-fi and "space opera" short stories, including fascinating pieces by Frank Larnerd and Ashanti Luke.
Volume 4 is another collection of Jim's stories including several that have appeared in other published anthologies along with the brand new, five chapter novella featuring Hillbilly Bobby from the D-List Supervillain universe.