​Horror, Humor, and Heroes Anthologies and Collections

The Horror, Humor, and Heroes books are either short story collections or anthologies. In Volume 1 is a collection of twelve short stories, one novella from Jim Bernheimer.

Sample some of Jim's finest offerings, such as - a guardian wolf fearing the coming of man, a producer willing to do anything to bring the first pay per view live werewolf hunt to the world, a zombie running for congress, a vampire trying to get his life insurance company to pay up, a six year old girl, who makes a cookie people will do anything for, the story of the first child born on the Moon, or a draftee in a war against science gone awry. This collection includes the novella, Confessions of a D-List Supervillain that spawned the series! 

Volume 2 is an anthology that focuses on both Epic and Urban fantasy. It includes a short story by Joe Ducie.

Volume 3 is science fiction anthology featuring both "hard" sci-fi and "space opera" short stories, including fascinating pieces by Frank Larnerd and Ashanti Luke.

Volume 4 is another collection of Jim's stories including several that have appeared in other published anthologies along with the brand new, five chapter novella featuring Hillbilly Bobby from the D-List Supervillain universe.